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Time Zones Map with World Clocks

Posted on enero 09, 2011 by Excel Pedro Wave

Each day of the year the Earth turns around its axis of rotation, to give the face or the back to the sun, which shines its light more or less hours depending on the latitude or angular distance from Ecuador, as the circles of latitud or parallels.

The 360° of the celestial sphere is divided into 24 time zones of 15 degrees each and determine the solar time for each of the main 24 lines of longitude o meridians.

Solar time varies throughout the year in about 15 minutes depending on the ecuation of time.

Time zones are defined by national borders, so it does not match solar time, and less in some countries when their clocks ahead one hour in daylight saving time.

It's enough confusing to know the current time or hour in any place on Earth for a traveler who moves through different time zones, to arrange a videoconference between countries or to find out what the next working round in a multinational company which designs in a meridian, verify 8 hours later and write documents next 8 hours in another country, in continuing cycles of 24 hours without rest, in which staff are always awake, as in the Empire on which the Sun never sets.

On the Web there are many world clocks and maps with time zones as 24timezonesworldtimezonemytimezonemap o timeticker, but there aren't good public use programs for synchronized times, so I've been doing an Excel spreadsheet to tell the time anywhere in the world.

You can download it from the forum if you are previously registered in less than a minute:

World Map with the hours ticking clocks in Excel

NOTE: An updated version can be downloaded by reading the following post "How to dynamically generate GUI" from here.


The global clock synchronization takes place every 60 minutes through connections to the servers of the page

Visit the World Clock - Time Zones

The main features of this map of world clocks are:
  • World map with 32 analog clocks and infinite digital clocks
  • Clocks in their time zones and daylight saving adjustment
  • Update clocks to Universal Time UTC and GTM real / Zulu
  • 24 analog clocks in 24 time zones
  • 10 programmable analog clocks with friends lists
  • 24-hour digital clocks at any location on the map
  • 34 cities associated with the 34 analog clocks
  • List of more than 650 cities in 230 countries
  • Links to information on each city
  • Creating more cities geolocalized on the map
  • Night of shooting stars
To find out what time is it and why, it's good to know the timeline of time measurement technology but it is better to have a good World map with the updated hours of any city.

Get Current Time with World Time Server

world time server
Enter a country or city:

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Traducción al español aquí.

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